Week 10
Title: "Reviving Community Spirit: A Creative Solution to Neighborhood Neglect" First of all, Neglect and decay are eroding the sense of community in many areas around the world. Locals are desperate for a solution that would not only deal with the obvious problems but also help them feel proud and connected to their community again. Our project, "Revive Our Neighborhood," attempts to address this issue head-on in a way that is both innovative and long-lasting. Problem Statement: There are a number of serious problems in our neighborhood, such as graffiti, littering, abandoned buildings, and a lack of common areas. These elements exacerbate inhabitants' feelings of abandonment and alienation, which lowers their perceptions of safety and weakens social cohesiveness. The core causes of these issues have not been sufficiently addressed by conventional remedies like sporadic clean-up initiatives or greater police. Solution: "Revive Our Neighborhood...